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See Our Exact TIME/PRICE Projections & Trades
Get access to our precise mathematical time/price projections and trade setups for indices, individual stocks, fast movers, commodities, currencies, etc....
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Large longer-term gains. No day trading.
Exact Mathematical Projections of What the Stock Market and
Individual Stocks Will Do Going Forward in Both
(Our 2019-2024 ROI = 10,000%)
DOW Weekly, Daily & Intraday TIME/PRICE Analysis
Get access to our overall market analysis on nearly all time frames. This section yields exact long-term and short-term Time/Price forecasts for the overall stock market. Find out exactly what the overall stock market will do going forward in both price and time.
Jim Zimmerman
How is this possible?
Mega-Cap Stocks TIME/PRICE Analysis & Projections
Get access to our analysis and exact Time/Price targeting for most Mega-Cap equities. We follow most of the top 50 stocks in the S&P 500, plus a number of major commodities, etc... Click Here to see the full list.
Paul Gavey
Perfect hit on AAPL's bottom. Thx
See Our Fast Movers and Associated TIME/PRICE Targets
Fast movers are stocks that are about to stage powerful directional moves of 50% or more within a relatively short period of time of 12 months or less. To learn more about our Fast Movers and how they work, please Click Here
Henry Shay
You were right. 50% down in 3 months.
Exact TIME/PRICE Targeting, Trades & Positioning
See our exact targeting, trades and positioning for all of our underlying equities. Including the overall market, mega-cap stocks, fast movers and other opportunities. Learn how we guide you into exact upcoming Time/Price turning points.
Alexander Gordon
Your stop loss points are great.
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(Our 2019-2024 ROI = 10,000%)