Fast Mover 28 – FLT

Analysis Summary for CORPAY, Inc. (CPAY)
Date of Analysis: April 25th, 2024

Time Target: A 4.5-year up composite cycle arrives on July 2nd, 2024.
Price Target: $335 (+/- $12)
Projected Move: The time cycle decomposition of CPAY shows that there is going to be a top to bottom fast move approximately from early July to mid of October of 2024.
Quick Note: The stock was recently renamed from FLT to CPAY.

Our long-term calculations show that the recent high for FLT makes no mathematical sense. On the other hand, in terms of TIME, it is well within the variance of the upcoming composite cycle. We are currently looking at a higher price target of approximately $335 +/- $12. A stop loss should be set at $350.

Our calculations show that FLT will decline about 50% to $190 +/- $7 or lower. As soon as the top is confirmed by our software an updated and more accurate bottom target can be calculated.

In summary, we expect CPAY to move to the downside between early July of 2024 to mid-October of 2024. This anticipated move is expected to be from approximately $335 to $190 (+/- associated variance).