Here Is How We Can Work Together

Performance, Proof & Our Future
(please see disclaimer at the bottom of this page)



Project Initiated




Fully Functional Time/Price Projection Software
(see below)



Powerful AI Driven Time/Price Investing & Trading Platform
(see below)

Why We Anticipate Another 10 - 100X ROI by 2027

We Can Already Project Exact
Turning Points In Most
Financial Instruments And
On Most Time Frames

Please Click Here To See Our Sample Forecast

***See Our Software In Action Below***

By 2027 We Will Redefine What's Possible With A Powerful "AI" Driven Time/Price Platform Able To Identify Current And Future Turning Points Across The Board (Long-Term or Short Term) & Then Allocate Capital To Only The Best "Fast Moving" Opportunities
(See How It Works Below)

***No One Else Has Our Technology***

Let me begin by saying that no one else has the technology and/or Intellectual Property associate with our work. It is built on top of our one-of-a-kind research and numerous significant scientific and mathematical breakthroughs. Even programming breakthroughs. 

Of equal importance......

Our time/price analytical and AI work has nothing to do with your typical fundamental, technical or other financial indicators analysis. No, our work takes a look at the underlying mathematical composition of the market in order to calculate future outcomes. Please Click Here for more info. 

As a result, no one will be able to replicate what we have.

Well, that might not be entirely correct. We believe our work is nearly identical to what Jim Simons has been able to accomplish at Renaissance Technologies. What am I talking about???

Please Click Here For More Info 


Everything you read above or below is entirely verifiable. No fluff. Math doesn't lie and verifying our work is as simple as running a few calculations of your own. Here are just a few points to consider.

  1. Entirely Verifiable:  Start by verifying calculations found here. As you do, you will also begin to see perfect order within the stock market. 
  2. Look at Our Prior Forecasts:  Over the years we have accumulated a mountain of research output. For instance, we have been publishing Intraday, daily and weekly reports for years. All of this information is stored and available.  Please contact us and request access for verification purposes.  That is to say, verifying everything is as simple as taking a look at our prior forecasts. 
  3. Ask Us to Run An Analysis On One of Your Stocks: It's as easy as pushing a button for us. 

How We Got Here - The Last 5 Years

We’ve had an incredible run over the past few years. Allow me to summarize some of our highlights:

      1. Our investment valuation has increased 10,000% since our initial offering – in less than five years.
      2. We have achieved a number of remarkable mathematical breakthroughs that now allow us to project the overall stock market and most other financial instruments with incredible precision in both price and time.
      3. We have achieved a number of programming breakthroughs that allow us to computerize the entire process going forward.
      4. We have developed and added a layer of AI that we believe will bring revolutionary results.
      5. We are about to launch a ground-breaking analytics product to retail and other funds.
      6. We have developed a unique proprietary product that no one else has. Most importantly, due to our associated advanced math and other Intellectual Property (IP), a product that no one can replicate.
      7. We have positioned our company for extraordinary growth ahead.
      8. Etc….

Where We Are Today

Yet, we believe the best is yet to come.  And at the risk of sounding pompous, we believe partnering with us today is equal to investing in Netflix of Tesla at startup. Let me show you why......

The Next 10,000% ROI

Imagine the following.....

A powerful software running and analyzing the market and individual stocks. Calculating exact time/price points of various financial instruments across all time frames and then picking only the best opportunities. Opportunities that have clear time/price parameters, low risk profiles and upcoming fast moves (fast directional moves - up or down).

Yet, that is just the beginning. We have built a powerful AI level on top of this very unique mathematical time/price analysis. This AI level is able to scan all possible outputs, assign probabilities, determine structural compositions of underlying stocks and then take positions on its own. It is important to mention that this AI is completely different from others out there because the fundamental inputs are entirely different and based on our unique set of mathematical calculations. Not the fundamental and/or technical inputs other AI systems use today.

Let me show you how this would work..... 

Our software would scan the market and let's say identify a clear Time/Price turning point bottom on Apple (AAPL) on July 16th (+/- 2 trading days) at $150 (+/- $1). It would also calculate that AAPL will then likely run up to $300 by December 20th. A fast move. Our AI would then scan the structural composition of Apple at the time and determine, let's say with 95% probability, that this move will indeed take place.

We can now structure a risk averse trade. For instance, long entry at $150 with a stop loss at $148 (forecast negation point). And assuming the forecast plays out exactly as projected, it's a 100% gain in about 6 months while the risk profile is truly minimal.

Here is why this can be so profitable......

Now, the amount of money this one trade can generate is limited only by the amount of capital involved and if options are used. Multiply this by our software constantly scanning the market and seeking out such opportunities across all time frames and you begin to realize how powerful and profitable this can be.

In other words, while our Time/Price calculations already yield common sense defying results, our AI structure will supercharge out abilities in terms of being able to confirm upcoming moves.   And that results in us having an ability to concentrate on only the best risk averse opportunities and only at the right times.

We believe that translates to market beating performance, billions in assets, a very profitable FinTech/AI business model and, of course, 10-100X ROI for our shareholders.


Final Product By 2027-29

Imagine the following powerful software/platform..... 

  • STEP #1: Scanning the universe of stocks/markets/commodities/currencies, etc.... and calculating exact upcoming time/price turning points for each one on multiple time frames.   Further, the software will then calculate the extent, in both price and time, of the subsequent move higher or lower. 
  • STEP #2: The software will then identify, based on our calculations......A. Which stocks have the clearest upcoming Time/Price turning points with the tightest margin of error (stop loss) and B. Which ones are the "fast mover" or stocks that are expected to stage directional moves of 50% or more in 12 months or less.
  • STEP #3: Our Artificial Intelligence filter will then scan the underlying "fast moving" equity in question and confirm the upcoming move by breaking down its underlying composition (no one has this technology).  We believe the steps above will yield a probability of success of 95%+. 

In summary, steps above would yield what we would call a "Super Equity". A stock with an exact upcoming Time/Price turning point, a small margin of error and a large/powerful subsequent move in the opposite direction. All confirmed by our one of a kind AI. In other words, an equity with a tiny risky profile and a huge upside potential. I don't think I have to explain what that would mean in terms of profitability, risk management and the overall performance. 

Here Is A Visual Representation For The Above

Why This Should Be Of Interest

For two reasons....

  1. ROI: We anticipate to generate a ROI of 10-100X over the next 2-5 years. This is self explanatory. 
  2. Direct Access To Our Work: You will have direct pipeline access into our internal research. You will also have an ability to use our software to analyze your own stocks. That in itself might be more valuable than the ROI above.  Contact us.

A Number Of Ways To Work With Us

*Click On The Link Above To See Product Offering
*Invitation Only - Please Contact Us

4D Capital Research & Trading

*Entire Product Offering of
+ Exact Targets & Trade Setups For The Overall Market, MegaCaps and Fast Movers 

4D Capital Parent Company

*Parent Company and 100% Owner of All IP
*Structure That Anticipates a 10-100X ROI
*Very Limited Availability

HyperCube One Trading Hedge Fund

*Standard 20/1 Trading Fund
*Unlimited Availability At This Time

Supporting Evidence & Links

Please Review Supporting Evidence Below.

Special Access: Everything we do is documented on a daily basis. To get access to our weekly, daily, Intraday and other analytical report (for verification purposes) please contact us for access. Please email me at

In summary, we truly believe 4D Capital is a rocket ship about to take off. I personally believe, as pompous as it might sound, investing in our technology today is equivalent to taking a stake in Netflix or Tesla at startup.  If you would be interested in participating in our business and gaining access to our research work, please let me know. I can send you more information on all of the above and proof – mathematical and otherwise. Plus, we would need to establish some sort of a relationship before any allocation discussion can take place. Thank you

Contact Us


Disclaimer: This communication does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any interest in any investment vehicles managed by 4D Capital, L.P.  The information contained in this or any other communication and any attachments is for information purposes, and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation would be in violation of any local laws. It does not constitute a recommendation or take into account the particular investment objectives, financial conditions, or needs of specific investors.

Any such offer or solicitation shall only be made pursuant to a final confidential private placement memorandum that contains important information about each fund’s risks, fees and expenses, which will be furnished to qualified investors on a confidential basis at their request. The information and any opinions contained herein are as of the date of this message and the firm does not undertake any obligation to update them. The communication has not been provided in a fiduciary capacity, and it is not intended to be, and should not be considered as, impartial investment advice. Past performance is not a guide to or otherwise indicative of future results. All information contained in this communication is