The US Dollar (DXY)
Date of Update: August 14th, 2024

Our updated mathematical and timing calculations for the US Dollar (DXY) suggest the following:

  • The closest cycle composite top is expected in January of 2025 confirmed by a strong X-cluster arriving in February of 2025.
  • Please note something of significant importance. Our prior analyses indicated that DXY would top around 120 by early 2025. Yet, today’s price of around 103 puts that into question. And while it is not impossible for DXY to stage such a powerful rally over the next 5-6 months, such a move is typically unlikely. We are considering a probability that the DXY might top out at a lower level, but we would like to give the market a bit more time here. If we are not above 110 by December, we would have to consider other tops or rally completion points at that time.
  • On the other hand, the upcoming bottom is a 15-year down cycle composite hitting multiple important bottoms as 1980, 1995 and 2011. Note that after our prior analysis, the down cycle composite has been shifted to May of 2026.
  • Our price calculations suggest the bottom will occur at $77 (+/- $3).
  • Once the bottom is put in place, we expect a powerful move up to at least $120 (+/- $2) by the next 16-year up cycle composite expected in late 2032/early 2033.

In summary, we expect DXY to top in January of 2025 and then reach a long-term bottom at $77 around May of 2026. A powerful rally into $120 by 2032 should follow.

Date: March 25th, 2024

Our mathematical and timing calculations for the US Dollar suggest the following:
  • As was outlined in our prior analysis, the full cycle composite top is expected in January of 2025, followed by what should be a crash into August of 2025.
  • We believe the bottom that was put in place in July of 2023 has now been confirmed as it makes perfect mid-term mathematical sense. DXY is now free to initiate its rally into January of 2025 top at any time.
  • Our price calculations suggest the top will occur at $120 (+/- $1).
  • Once the top is put in place, we expect a powerful “fast” move down to at least $90 (+/- $1). Lower targets are also possible. After the top is confirmed, we will have more exact time and price projection for this anticipated fast move down.
In summary, our mathematical and timing calculations suggest DXY is now moving into a major top scheduled to arrive in January of 2025 at around $120. Once the top is put in place, DXY is expected to collapse in a powerful and quick move down.

The US Dollar (DXY) – Update
Date: July 26th, 2023

As unlikely as it appears right now, our overall USD forecast remains the same. Our calculations continue to suggest we will see a new all time high in DXY by January of 2025. Then, a crash.

  • We should see a bottom of this most recent correction in September/October of 2023.
  • Once the bottom is put in place the DXY should rally into a January of 2025 high of around 125.
  • Once the above major top is put in place we expect the US Dollar to collapse in a “fast mover” fashion.

If you would like exact dates and prices for the above, please do let us know.