Analysis Summary For Booking Holdings Inc. (BKNG)
Analysis Date: July 21st, 2023
We have very clear targets for Booking Holdings Inc.
Time Target: December 3rd, 2023 (+/- 5 trading days)
Price Target: $3500 (+/- $50)
Projected Move: 50%+ down move by January 25th, 2024 (2 months)
Our work shows that Booking Holdings Inc. (BKNG) will experience over 50% collapse between December of 2023 and January of 2024.
Trading Recommendation:
A short position should be established at any point between $3050-3150 at the beginning of December. Most probably around December 3rd. A stop loss should be put in at $3200. If BKNG pushes above this level the overall forecast will fail. A 50-60% decline should follow into late January of 2024 (2 months).
A more detailed analysis will be available as we get closer to the December turning point.