Investor Updates

Investor Update #1:
September 1st, 2024

This communication does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any interest in any investment vehicles managed by 4D Capital, L.P. Please see full disclaimer at the bottom of this page.

2019-2024 ROI = 10,000%

We are looking for a repeat…..

Here is Why We Anticipate a ROI of 10-100X Over the Next 2-5 Years

Dear Friends,

We will be doubling our valuation level as soon as our Time/Price Analytical Artificial Intelligence (AI) Software product is launched in late September. If our work might be of any interest, now would be an opportune time to take a look and possibly join our business (before the increase). Very limited availability for this private deal. This is NOT an offering of any kind. A pre-existing relationship is a must – please see full disclaimer below.

We’ve had an incredible run over the past few years. Allow me to summarize some of our highlights:

      1. Our investment valuation has increased 10,000% since our initial offering – in less than five years.
      2. We have achieved a number of remarkable mathematical breakthroughs that now allow us to project the overall stock market and most other financial instruments with incredible precision in both price and time.
      3. We have achieved a number of programming breakthroughs that allow us to computerize the entire process going forward.
      4. We have developed and added a layer of AI that we believe will bring revolutionary results.
      5. We are about to launch a ground-breaking analytics product to retail and other funds.
      6. We have developed a unique proprietary product that no one else has. Most importantly, due to our associated advanced math and other Intellectual Property (IP), a product that no one can replicate.
      7. We have positioned our company for extraordinary growth ahead.
      8. Etc….

I might be a bit biased, but I am incredibly excited about what we are about to do going forward. I personally believe, as pompous as it might sound, investing in our technology today is equivalent to taking a stake in Netflix or Tesla at startup. 

Our objective going forward, since we are not attempting to “change the world”, is rather simple……..

To maximize shareholders equity and to attain 10-100X ROI over the next 2-5 years for our parent company. We believe this is most certainly possible if we execute properly and deliver on our associated Intellectual Property, market analysis and our unique layer of Artificial Intelligence.

Alex Dvorkin
Managing Partner

Please Click Here To View All Supporting Documentation, Proof & Our Future Plan
Plus, our associated math and why we believe we can 100X again

Disclaimer: This communication does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to purchase any interest in any investment vehicles managed by 4D Capital, L.P.  The information contained in this email communication and any attachments is for information purposes, and should not be regarded as an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any security in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation would be in violation of any local laws. It does not constitute a recommendation or take into account the particular investment objectives, financial conditions, or needs of specific investors. 

Any such offer or solicitation shall only be made pursuant to a final confidential private placement memorandum that contains important information about each fund’s risks, fees and expenses, which will be furnished to qualified investors on a confidential basis at their request. The information and any opinions contained herein are as of the date of this message and the firm does not undertake any obligation to update them. The communication has not been provided in a fiduciary capacity, and it is not intended to be, and should not be considered as, impartial investment advice. Past performance is not a guide to or otherwise indicative of future results. All information contained in this communication is not warranted as to completeness or accuracy and is subject to change without notice.